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Every month, each region will receive a new roll of random status changes. These will include the following:

Food supply
Water supply
Natural Disasters (rare)

This roll occurs behind the scenes and will be announced at the beginning of every month, and noted on the front page for reference. Each clan may have to change their behaviors to respond to these world changes.

If their food supply is low, how will they fix it? Will they reach out to other clans for help, or try to steal food? If a drought occurs, how will they find water? If storms ravage the territories, or flood the valleys, how will they survive? Hot days? Cold days? A tornado?! If your neighbors have been starving, will you help them or take advantage?

Anything can happen in nature, and remember: random is fun!



Every month, every character is given a randomly generated prompt. These can be anything from fun and lighthearted to serious and damaging.

There is no way to opt out of these events, but the member may choose not to respond; if this is the case, the event will not take place in that character's canon.

It is up to you whether to play along with the random event or ignore it. They are meant for inspiration and content prompts to help you keep your characters active and from getting stagnant. If you'd like to change any of the details of the random event, feel free! They're meant as jumping off points for you to make your own ideas and plots, or just a fun RP session.

If you bring in a new character and don't have a Random Event for them for that month, feel free to ask for one! Just send the group a Note on DA, or send in an Ask on Discord using our ask-questions-here channel.

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