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As the stars blink in and out from the night sky’s canvas, there comes a growing sense in some of you that there is more to the world than meets the eye. A subtle power brims beneath your pads and hymns of championeering victories ring sweetly in your ears. To grow this strength would be the most obvious course of action, is it not?


However, how will you grow what you first do not know?


The level of attunement one has with their soul and the inner intricacies found within them. A connection that the cats of a certain clan hold more over the others who have often relied on the guidance from their stars instead. With some bleeding a rich virtue of gold, they’ve come to find that with the shift of blood hue comes an unnatural ability to do...more.


However, the act of exploring something still so widely regarded as unknown is a difficult one. A path of experimentation, trial and error and careful thought lie before your feet; do you dare walk the path that your stars seem to have laid out before you?


Do you dare take part in a gift you’re not sure why you’ve received…?


As of currently, these are a type of quest that only Halcyon characters can participate in! Characters do not inherently need to be a Goldblood in order to participate in a Soul Quest. The requirements for these quests are rigorous on purpose, do not feel as though you MUST do them!

ART: full body with a background holding a sense of place - must be fully colored. Must also be accompanied with a 600 word minimum piece showcasing the character understanding, experimenting, or developing depending on the stage they’re at.

ART COLLAB: full body with a background holding a sense of place - must be fully covered. Must also be accompanied by a roleplay with a 600 word minimum piece showcasing the characters both understanding, experimenting, or developing depending on the stage they’re at.


WRITING: 1200 word minimum piece showcasing the character understanding, experimenting, or developing depending on the stage they’re at.

ROLEPLAY: 1200 word minimum per character roleplay showcasing the characters understanding, experimenting, or developing depending on the stage they’re at.


1 - 5

GRASP [ Understanding ]

The stage in which one tries to learn and understand more about their gift and what it entails. Their purpose, the unnatural strength that they feel, as well as where this gift came from in the first place…

6 - 10

TEST [ Experimental ]

This stage consists of searching for answers to questions they may have about their fate, as well as testing any theories they may have about any abilities that they could possibly hold. Discovery.

11 - 15

WEILD [ Developmental ]

With both a better understanding of their fate, as well as knowing what they can do, this stage would consist of testing their limits, as well as working on what they know and improving on it. Any Soul Quests done for characters in this category must be in collaboration with someone else.

16 - 20

COMMAND [ Mastery ]

Though it is not a genuine sense of mastery, it stands as more of a complex understanding and control of just what one can do. Able to wield the gifts that they had been given in the ways intended or creatively, this is solidifying and showing a thorough understanding of their fate, gifts, and how to use them.

One can embark on quests in the effort to strengthen their attunement called Soul Quests. The reward earned from these quests are a flat +3 points to their Spirit Class, allowing for steady improvement of the stat.




In order to start a Soul Quest, please see our #soul-link-quests channel on our Discord! Further instructions can be found there.

to give is to take

to gift is to lose

use what is mine and let me become apart of you

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