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1.  You must submit activity for your newest character in Goldbloods before you can bring in another. You can make up to 6 total characters before the method of earning them changes (see rule #2). You are expected to keep all of your characters active.


2.  If you wish to create further characters beyond your sixth, each additional character must be obtained through earning a CHARACTER TOKEN. You can earn a Token by submitting activity for ALL of your current characters (you must at least be at the 6 character mark) within a single month (within a single named month- not simply 30 days). You must then note the group with links to all of the activity pieces, and await confirmation of your token. Once you have earned a Character Token, you can spend it in order to enter a new character past the usual limit of 6. You may only have 1 Token saved at a time, so you must use it before you can obtain another. Your Token will not expire until you use it. There is no limit to the number of characters you can have with this method. You can only earn 1 Token a month.


3.  Characters must be feral domestic cats. Domestic/exotic hybrids (bengals, servals, rescued wilds) are not permitted. Purebreds and half-breds are not permitted. Kittypets and rogues from human places are no longer permitted.

4.  Character designs must be kept to approximate realism. No unnatural colors (vibrant pinks, purples, blues, greens) or markings (perfect shapes). Accessories must be extremely minimal. Some mutations will be allowed on a case-by-case basis so long as proper research is done and it is represented realistically. Characters cannot have highlights or tipped colors, and bangs may not be an excessively different color from the rest of the head. Some hairstyles are accepted, such as small braids, fohawks, and most varieties of bangs.

5.  Characters cannot have special powers or abilities. Magic does not exist in this world in a recognizable form - however, there will be options for applying some neat things as you participate. Any special powers your cat has must be explicitly given to your cat via staff note, as a part of the plot and reward for doing the monthly memes. Do not give your character “chosen one” syndrome.

6.  Characters may not have excessive defects. These cats live together in supportive groups, however, there is a limit to what is realistically able to survive in the wild. Blindness, deafness, missing limbs, and other handicaps are allowed so long as research is done and these characters are not treated poorly (cats are EXTREMELY adaptable, treating them as useless or helpless for being handicapped is offensive and will not be tolerated). Use your best common sense.

7.  There can be multiple cats in the group with the same PREFIX, but not the same FULL NAME. Additionally, only one cat with their specific prefix can exist in a single clan. Halcyon and loner one-part names are considered full names, and loners also count as a "Clan" for enforcement of these rules. If you would like to check which names are taken, you should refer to our Character Roster and Name Claim sheet!

8.  Your application art does not need to be your own. If you received a design from someone else, or commissioned one, or would like to draw art for your friend who is not an artist, that is OK so long as the ARTIST gives direct permission for this use and you credit them appropriately. You may not use free or paid pre-made bases for your character’s application.

9.  Certain themes and traits are not permitted in characters. Sexual assault and it’s effects may only be vaguely implied in character histories only, and may not be explored as plots in-game. Underage pregnancies, defined as any pregnancy involving a cat under the age of 12 moons, are not permitted in history nor plots. Certain mental illnesses - such as Dissociative Identity Disorder - and physical mutations - such as conjoined twins or double heads - are not permitted for game logistics reasons. If you have a question about something that might not fly in the group, please ask.

10.  Certain themes and traits are heavily regulated in characters. Physical mutations - such as fur and eye mutations, - are permitted with research. Extreme physical mutations - such as bone and cartilage mutations and limb mutations, - must be THOROUGHLY researched and represented fairly and realistically. Some negatively portrayed mental illnesses - such as antisocial personality disorder or schizophrenia and schizotype disorders - are not permitted for any kind of villainous, dark, or violent characters to prevent bad media and stereotypes. The staff may intervene if it is believed this rule is not being followed, and we reserve the right to remove a character from the group should it continue.

11.  Proof of rolls for character statistics are required and must be done in our #stat-rolling channel in our Discord. Every character submitted to the group must have some sort of screenshot proof in their bio of their character’s base statistics numbers being rolled. Character stats may only be rolled ONCE- with the only exception being that the provided roll does not work in Goldbloods. We do not allow character stats with less than one 5, or character stats with more than two natural 20s.

12.  Apprentice characters MUST work towards graduation in a timely manner; apprentices may graduate after completing two Apprentice Tasks. The details of these apprentice tasks and their requirements/prompts varies from Clan to Clan- please consult your clan’s Information Journal for specifics. Apprentice tasks may also be used to count toward your character’s Activity Requirement. Failing to graduate an apprentice character will result in the character being Frozen at 14 moons of age, with the character being barred from roleplays, rewards and event participation until graduated.

13.  To change your character’s rank, clan, name, or if you wish to retire your character, you MUST notify staff. This may be done in a Note to the group, or a ticket in our Discord server. This is a necessary step in doing any of those actions with your character- until staff have recorded and updates the roster, the change to your character’s status is not canon.

14.  Litters MUST be approved by staff. Even if your character doesn’t plan on asking their leader for permission for the litter, staff will need to be approached for OOC permission. Please see the section LITTERS & KITS towards the bottom of this journal entry for more information.

15.  Keep character ages in mind when planning for relationships and abilities. Cats age at a different pace then humans do, and equating “# of moons” to human aging in years isn’t very accurate. We recommend looking at charts like this to gain a better understanding of how cat ages and human ages line up. This is especially important when planning romantic/sexual relationships for cats below 2 years of age- we do not allow any mention of sexual activity for any cats below 12 moons of age. For those 12-24 moons old, there may be some significant level of oversight in terms of their sexual relationships- especially in terms of having kits, or having relationships with significantly older cats. However, past 2 years of age, cats are considered full adults and consenting parties to a relationship may differ in age as much as members wish them to.

16. Star shaped markings are limited to leaders ONLY. In this universe leaders are branded with a searing mark where-ever their last life is given to them. For this reason we will not be allowing cats to have star-shaped markings in order to better present the unique nature of this mark.


In many ways, the naming rituals of this group are the same as the normal Warriors lore. In the clans (excluding Halcyon), refer to the following:

In many ways, the naming rituals of this group are the same as the normal Warriors lore. In the clans (excluding Halcyon), refer to the following:


    KITS must have the suffix “-kit”. 

    APPRENTICE must have the suffix “-paw”.

    GRADUATED CATS must have a full two-part name consisting of a prefix and a suffix.

    LEADERS drop their old suffix and take up the suffix "-star". 

    HALCYON CATS have one-word names, which imply importance in the Goldbloods culture. 

Clan names must be NATURE RELATED and in TRADITIONAL WARRIOR CAT STYLE, and must derive from things that are native to NORTH-WEST USA/CANADA and THE UK. Sky related names must be things that can be seen with the NAKED EYE FROM EARTH. This is something you can check yourself with Google, but if there's any concern/confusion you may ask the staff via note or ticket.

Outside of that, the general rules are as follows--

Names that could be considered INSENSITIVE or OFFENSIVE are not permitted. (pigbelly, ditzyhead, redskin)
Names that are purposefully "EDGY" or SCARY are generally not permitted as prefixes. (ghost-, bone-, blood-, death-)
Names that originate from HUMAN ORIGINS are not permitted. (angel-, trumpet-, bell-, dragon-)
Names of LATIN ORIGIN or SCIENTIFIC NAMES are generally not permitted. (sequoioideae-, vulpes-, canis-, gravity-, division-)
Names that are meant as a OOC JOKE or PARODY are not permitted. (morningwood, bellydancer, blazeweed, daddy-)

Halcyon and loner characters are an exception to some of these rules. They may have names that are not nature related, made up or human names. However, any names that would not be understood contextually by cats (mythological, human, natural but unknown) must be explained as purely coincidental in-game. A Halcyon or loner may be named “Mermaid”, but would have no knowledge of the mythological beast- the name to them is simply a series of sounds thrown together to sound nice.


Height and weight specifications are a necessary application feature in any adult cat's bio, so we've outlined some general rules and guidelines to make it easier to choose the right height and weight for your character! Please keep in mind that the proper weight range for a character is entirely dependent on their height- the average weight of a 16cm cat is NOT the same as the average weight of a 30cm cat.

Our group has a set range on height and weight for characters- we do not allow character outside the below described range.
HEIGHT: Minimum = 16 cm ; Maximum = 30 cm
WEIGHT: Minimum = 5 lbs ; Maximum = 18 lbs


Tiny: 16cm / 6in
Below Average: 16cm - 18cm / 6in - 7in
Average: 19cm - 25cm / 8in - 10in
Above Average: 26cm - 30cm / 11in - 12in
Large: > 30cm / > 12in

WEIGHT RANGES: (based off of an Average height cat)

Emaciated: < 5lbs
Below Average: 5lbs - 6lbs
Average: 7lbs - 14lbs
Above Average: 15lbs - 18lbs
Obese: > 18lbs



Below are the bare minimum requirements for character biographies in Goldbloods- GOLD sections cannot be omitted! You create your own biography template or use a pre-made one, as long as the required information is included.

Age: (in moons; 12 moons = 1 year)
   Starting age:

Clan: (see our front DA page for clan openings)
Rank: (see your clan's relevant ranks and clan openings)

Base Statistics

(Character statistics MUST be rolled in our Discord server, in the channel #stat-rolling! There you will find a guide to rolling and using the rolls for your characters! Below are the stat categories the rolls will be used in- each number rolled can only be used once in one specific category!)

Strength: (your character’s physical strength.)
Dexterity: (your character’s ability to perform technical tasks that require care and precision.)
Constitution: (your character’s ability to withstand physical attacks and draining energy.)
Intelligence: (your character’s ability to respond and adapt.)
Wisdom: (your character’s skill with memory, information, and sense.)
Charisma: (your character’s ability to be personal towards other characters.)

Roll Proof: (a link to screenshot proof of your stat rolls)

Basic Skill: (please pick ONE from Basic Skills here)
Advanced Skills: (at creation, please pick ONE from Advanced Skills here)


Description: (describe your cat’s physical appearance)
Voice: (describe or link)


Build: (description of your cat’s body type.)

Impairments/disabilities: (if applicable)
General health:


Positive traits: (please list 3.)
   Describe: (expand on these traits. No word minimum.)

Negative traits: (please list 3.)
   Describe: (expand on these traits. No word minimum.)

(100 word minimum.)

Family & Relations


Extended family:




Two truths and one lie about your character: (treat these as IC “rumors” about your cat.)

FOR HALCYON ONLY pick a number: (between 1-8)

Credits: (If using commissioned art, a pre-made bio template, etc.)


Characters may choose to have kits at any point in time in the game and regardless of relationship status, but to avoid overpopulation and in-game catastrophes, there are a series of rules and regulations in place! Litter requests must go through two phases of approval; OOC and IC. Even NPC litters must follow the below described rules in regards to the seasonal litter sizes.


In-character approval is done in the form of a ticket roleplay or headcanon between the cats involved and their respective leader, seeking their approval to have kits. This phase is “optional” in that character may choose not to ask for approval and break the laws of the lands-- in this case they will need to roll to avoid detection throughout the pregnancy and take steps to avoid being caught after the kits are born. This process is moderated by staff to make sure everything is fair and realistic!

This process is even more regulated, as staff need to ensure that clan numbers stay within each other and that litter sizes are fair for others who may want to have litters. The OOC approval process begins when a player opens a ticket to ask about pursuing a kit plot. Characters CANNOT become pregnant or find a litter without going through this OOC process. Litters may be denied OOC before they reach the IC approval phase for a number of reasons; if a clan meets its kitten cap for the season, if the characters are too young, if the litter size is too big and the players don’t want to risk their kits’ survival, etc. A player may only pursue litter plots with one (1) of their characters per season. Below are the guides to how many kits may be born in a single litter per season.


In WINTER [DEC - FEB]  (a) player(s) may choose between having two (2) kits in the entire litter or rolling for the survival of the entire litter. If the player chooses not to settle for two kits, the survival of all the kits in the litter must be rolled for- this means there is NO guaranteed surviving kits if rolling is chosen.

In SPRING [MAR - MAY]  (a) player(s) may choose between having two (2) kits in the entire litter or roll for survival of more kits. If a player chooses not to settle for two kits, the extra kits will roll for their survival. Unlike winter, there is no risk of losing an entire litter with rolling.

In SUMMER [JUNE - AUG]  (a) player(s) may choose between having three (3) kits in the entire litter or roll for survival of more kits. If a player chooses not to settle for two kits, the extra kits will roll for their survival. Unlike winter, there is no risk of losing an entire litter with rolling.

In FALL [SEP - NOV]  (a) player(s) may choose between having two (2) kits in the entire litter or roll for survival of more kits. If a player chooses not to settle for two kits, the extra kits will roll for their survival. Unlike winter, there is no risk of losing an entire litter with rolling.

Whenever survival is rolled for the kits, each fail is considered canon- that means each fail is a kit that was stillborn or died shortly after birth. The failed kits cannot be retconned out of existence. A waiver is presented and must be signed before rolling can begin and it is made sure that this aspect is understood and accepted! If the waiver isn't signed, the player may not go forward and the plot is cancelled.

Once everything is concluded OOC and IC, the involved players will be given their litter’s due date. This will consist of the SOONEST and LATEST dates a litter’s birthday may be- even if kits are brought in beyond these dates, they must be aged according to these dates. Litter sizes cannot be changed after the approval phase is done without staff permission, unless it is to downsize, which still must be reported to staff! Any miscarriages and (unplanned) stillborns must be reported to staff.


You may retire a character at any time. To do this, please note the group or open a ticket in our Discord with a link to said character and an IC explanation of where they went or what happened to them. If left alive (NPC’d), and if you have requested retirement, you will be able to bring that cat back later if you want.

If you do not note us to retire a character (i.e., if you simply remove/delete the application), or leave the group, your cat will be marked missing and eventually deceased and you will not be permitted to bring them back later.

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