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SwampClan, one of the original four, was resilient and adaptive. They lived in a swampland, happy and comfortable with heavier air and wetter ground, and survived on fish. Their territory was difficult for other clans to live in, and thus, they experienced relative peace with their neighbors.


Allegiances will be updated as time goes on, please do not ask staff when your character will be listed! We will get to it when we can.



The home ground for those of SwampClan’s ranks. Close to a nearby fen, the grass underfoot is soft and giving, making it a safe space for children to tussle without fear of hurting themselves on the hard dirt ground. However, this slimy under-paw feeling is not welcomed by outsiders and often causes insults such as ‘damp-foot’ or ‘soggy paws.’ SwampClan tend to ignore such spats and take pride in their clan, though in winter the watery flora tends to make dens chillier than normal.



Its ominous name often refers to the high rapids being deadly. This section of the river is tumultuous and littered with jagged rocks along the water’s bottom. Cats generally avoid this river for fishing, despite it being their main food source, and prefer to fish from the nearby lakes. MeadowClan has been especially ruthless about maintaining this border, so it’s inadvisable to hunt here for fear of being accused of theft.


Rumor says that there during early morning hours when the river is covered in a dense blanket of fog, some spot the ghostly figure of a grieving Queen whose over adventurous children drowned. In her grief, some suspect she may have allowed herself to drown alongside them.



This lake is often regarded as a safe haven for relaxation and is especially plentiful in prey. Apprentices are often taken here to begin their training in fishing! The fish are so used to interacting with cats who come to play and splash in the water that they hardly even recognize them as a threat sometimes.


New couples are often brought here with a medicine cat and leader to officiate their mateship at sunset, when the lake is a fantastical golden disc. It is here that they suspect StarClan is most present, when the pool of water shimmers the same bright light and color as the sun.



A patch of the territory that is ravaged by a blight no one can explain. Elders often tell story of a great fire that once ravaged the territory, leaving this area scarred and unable to regrow. Cats tend to avoid the area, as the rotted grass under-paw is painful to tread on. Beyond that, prey is almost non-existent here, providing no further reason to explore the barren landscape. Trees tattered and burned litter this place like grave markers for where nature lost its greatest battle. 


It’s said that some leaders come here in times of war to pray for the strength to endure, unlike the wasteland that stands as testament to fire’s strength.



A favorite location for lovers to find quiet nights for dates! 


This lake is calm and the water surprisingly welcoming, except in times of snow and ice. Fish are plentiful here most times of the year and, with some luck, the winter seasons allow for proper ice skating! 


This is largely deemed a recreational area so many cats spend their days lounging by the lakeside. Due to this they’re very protective of their half of the lake and are easily riled up when others from CaveClan tread on their vacation spot.



Known for being particularly treacherous, few cats dare to set foot in this winding, thin-lined ridge. The wind is especially harsh in these perilous paths between two hills, making traversing it a potentially deadly feat. Some apprentices come to this area in order to show off their bravery to their crushes but many fearful parents warn them away of such a dangerous dare.


It’s said that cats that can cross through the chasm of howling cliffs, StarClan may have blessed your paws with particularly powerful balance points.



Traveling to this towering height provides an amazing view of all of the territories, giving it a fantastical name to describe what StarClan must see as they look down upon their living kin. This great height however can leave cats dizzy and disoriented, though no one can explain the strange phenomenon.


Cats claim to have seen the ancestors and cats formed of earth playing at an oasis at the top but these suspicions are never confirmed and are largely dismissed as tall tales.



One of the larger fen areas that Queens are known to travel towards for ritualistic mudbaths. There are areas where the muck becomes so thick and deep that cats are said to have disappeared in its grasp that it is ominously named for.


Generations of SwampClan cats have learned to navigate these treacherous places and apprentices are often taken here to study patience and caution. To learn to identify unsteady ground and how to navigate using the trees when things become uncertain.



A canyon that cuts through some of the more hill heavy parts of the territory. Its walls tower on each side as rocky outcroppings grow littered with moss. The ravine is said to be deep enough and long enough that if a cat shouts at one side of it, a partner on the opposite end can hear their echoing cry.


Cats are meticulously buried in this stretch of mossy grove and returned to the earth to further SwampClan’s symbiosis with nature. Some elders tell spooky stories that the echoes one hears coming from the Gully on foggy days are actual whispers of the dead buried there.



Marking the border with FieldClan, this lake is named very simply for its immeasurable depth. No cat has been able to traverse its entire length by swimming and any attempt to scrounge for the bottom comes up unfruitful. 


Children are chided not to swim too far for fear of being consumed by whatever unknown creatures may lurk beyond the sight of mortal felines. Some even rave of impossibly large cats made entirely of the lake’s waters crawling from the depths during changes in season...



Along the northern border there is a natural descent in the ground that makes way for the local valleys. Tall grass lines the more subtle cliff sides that drop off into the valley, leaving many hasty hunters and blind visitors to fall and injure themselves without warning.


Many favor this area for easy hunting of smaller prey animals like mice and shrews, as they find their homes in burrows and dens through the valley’s landscape. It takes trained paws and a careful eye to find the gentle slopes that allow for safe access into the meadow-like basin.

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