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Halcyon came to the territories as outsiders, allowed to set up their territory in an unclaimed corner since they seemed relatively peaceful and nonthreatening. They chose to make their home in the crumbling ruins of an old human house, using the structure to facilitate their strange ways. They too claimed to believe in StarClan, but took it much farther than the other clans by accepting every little natural thing as a prophecy. Kittens would be named and their futures told by something as insignificant as the color of the sky on the day of their birth.


Allegiances will be updated as time goes on, please do not ask staff when your character will be listed! We will get to it when we can.



Halcyon have found their home camp in a place quite familiar to them- a crumbling and long rotten ruin of what was once a Twoleg dwelling. There are two floors to the structure, each a single room, but the roof is mostly absent and many places on the second floor have rotted clean through. Patches have been made to seal the holes from the effects of weather, but there is nothing that can be done for the actual ceiling above that.



A section of meadows and fields that sit on a cluster of rolling hilltops, free from the shade of the neighboring forests. It is a popular place to run about and get a bit of sun, as well as find flowers and other nice smelling herbs. Sunbathing is especially popular atop a few smooth boulders found within the area. Hunting can be difficult here unless you find some taller grass or really practice your stalking technique, but it serves a welcome challenge for some.



A beautiful lake in the spring and summer seasons, the Haven of Calamity is so warned because of the dual nature of its allure. The lake’s clear waters attract prey, as well as feeding the growth of many nearby herbs, but it can be a dangerous place once the leaves of the nearby forest begin to fall in autumn. When leaves begin to build up along the edges of the lake’s surface, it can become tricky to discern where the ground ends and water begins, and the thick coat of foliage that tends to litter the lake at this time can be treacherous to fight through should you find your head beneath the surface. It’s likely that Winter will ice most of the lake over, but caution should still be taken in the vicinity.



The forest grows thick in this region, towering oaks and pines jostling for space around the nearby lake. It can be windy and perilous here on some days, but a few cats say they’ve been given brief reprieves to look out across the massive expanse of water and see the world reflected in its surface. So long as one stays away from the windier areas, the forests around here are great for hunting small land prey, providing ample thickets and bushes and places to hide as one stalks the area.



A happily bubbling river that winds through the Halcyon’s northern territory, many liken the trickling sound to a quickened heartbeat. As you can hear the water’s flow from many points in the territory if you’re quite enough, some have drawn the comparison of the longing beats of a heart spurned of the affection it craved. Adding to this, the river can be tumultuous after heavy rain, flowing fast and vicious over the rocks with an even louder roar. Otherwise, it provides a safe and reliable source of fresh water to the clan, with ample chances to catch a few small freshwater critters along it.

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