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FieldClan was one of the four original clans of the territory, its land full of lush forests, fields, and valleys. They were born fighters and trustworthy cats, often lending assistance to those in need.


Allegiances will be updated as time goes on, please do not ask staff when your character will be listed! We will get to it when we can.



A clearing in the pines located near a bend in the river that feeds Deep Lake. The river can be heard faintly from camp. Heavy foliage lies on the edges of the clearing, protecting the camp from prying eyes and predators alike. A massive pine stands at the center of camp.





A secret safe passage through the mountains into the outerlands known only to Creekstar, his deputy, and his medicine cat. He has held its exact location secret, for use in case of an emergency. With tensions brewing, its location may soon be revealed.



A dip in the earth amidst a clearing in the pines. A creek burbles on the outskirts, with a field of flowers lying just beyond that. Massive rocks lay on the opposite side of the creek, slowly sinking into the soft earth with each passing year. It is there that Juniperstar, and all of the star shards rest.



A patch of land at the bottom of a tall, rocky cliff that many warriors have begun to use as a dueling ground. The final battle training of apprenticeship is always held here, as the fallen rocks and uneven ground create a battlefield full of challenging obstacles.



A quiet hollow amidst the pines surrounded by scrub bushes. Small streams and brooks seem to meet here, and many cats find it to be a relaxing space. The gentle green of the pines, and soft rustling of the bushes create a peaceful atmosphere. However, large predators tend to frequent the area, perhaps because of its nearness to the border.



One of the tallest hills at the feet of the mountains holds a field full of short, fluffy grass. A perfect training ground for apprentices and warriors alike. The soft grass provides a cushion on which to spar, while the gentler slopes of the foothills give apprentices time to grow accustomed to the elevation before they face the dangers of the mountains.



A place many cats find unsettling, for more than just the twolegs who used to frequent it. Though it is the origin of the star shards, the odd boxy caves, and strange wooden trunks give it a tight, oppressive feeling. A small wooden twoleg den stands at the entrance to the mines, but it seems to have been abandoned. Some of the elders seem to remember a time when it was not.



A large, shallow cavern system rises from the earth here, and the winds that blow through it seem to whisper at times. The caverns are cool, and dry, and provide a place for Fieldclan to shelter, when disaster or war threatens their camp. It is a secret place, and many feel that if the other clans knew of the caves, it could have disastrous consequences.

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