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In order to make the Goldbloods experience a little different from your average roleplay, elements of tabletop games like Dungeons & Dragons have been implemented into many aspects of the group’s functioning!

This may seem like a lot of data to take in, but don’t worry! We’re here to help you through it, and eventually it’ll become second nature to you!


You will be asked to fill your character profiles in with dice rolls for their 6 base statistics, in categories of STRENGTH, DEXTERITY, CONSTITUTION, INTELLIGENCE, WISDOM, and CHARISMA. To roll your character's stats you MUST use the #stat-rolling channel in our Discord Server! To find more information on what the stat categories mean, please refer to our CHARACTER CREATION journal, or feel free to ask via note or ticket! Where these stat numbers are applied can reflect your character’s abilities, but are mostly used to determine what Advanced skills they can have! Goldbloods does not take stats into consideration in battle sequences like other games such as Dungeons and Dragons.

When creating a character and mapping out their stat points, (1) is the lowest a skill can go and (20) is the natural highest- although they can have (21) with a basic skill, and go higher with other boosts over time. Your character must have at least one stat that is (5) or above, and may not have any more than two natural (20)s for their base stats without boosts.

We require proof that the roll pool for your character’s statistics is randomized and not altered, to keep the game fair and interesting. Players may not hand-pick a stat set from rolling multiple sets to see which they like best/has better numbers- random is fun! Embrace it!

While the numbers might seem scary, the statistics’ numbers are not used in casual roleplay or even group events- so no need to worry about blocks of numbers between you and your roleplay partner’s posts!


As your character progresses, they will have opportunities to add boosts to their base stats. These opportunities might come as random events, or rewards for participating in IC or OOC happenings, but most often are given out as rewards for Monthly Group Memes. While these events and their stat boosts are optional, we HIGHLY DISCOURAGE “stocking up” on stat bonuses without applying them to your character. Once they are applied, stat boosts cannot be moved or removed.

Your base stats rolled at the character creation stage will never change without outside stat boosts. These boosts can help your character’s ability to get different advanced skills!
Here’s a little example.


You make a character with (14) STRENGTH. This is already a pretty good number! But let’s say later on, this character receives a stat boost of (+1) that they can apply to any of their stats- but they choose to add it to STRENGTH. Their stat is now:


This character’s STRENGTH stat is now considered a (15), and should they choose, they can get the advanced skill TRAIN with their next opportunity!


Every character starts in the group with one basic skill, and may gain more from random event rewards! These skills are important, as a challenge or danger might arrive where skills can be greatly helpful - and your cat might be the only one that can pull it off!

Basic skills are unique from Advanced skills in that they carry a stat boost of (+1) to a specific stat category! While the skills themselves aren’t as powerful as Advanced skills, the boost can be very beneficial to gaining stronger Advanced skills in the future.

New Basic skills must be applied to a character at least 3 days before an event, or will not be taken into consideration during said event.

Characters may only have FOUR (4) basic skills at once. 

You must pick ANY ONE of the following basic skills for your character to start with.



your character is good at climbing and will have a better chance at succeeding than normal. (Strength boost +1)


your character is good at swimming and will have a better chance at succeeding than normal. (Strength boost +1)


your character is good at avoiding detection when hiding. (Dexterity boost +1)

your character is good at escaping from enemy grasp, and will have a better chance at succeeding than normal. (Dexterity boost +1)


your character can keep up an activity for longer than normal. (Constitution boost +1)

 your character can withstand attacks or physical strains better than normal.  (Constitution boost +1)


 your character can adapt well to changing situations. (Wisdom boost +1)

your character is sly and will have a better chance at outwitting other characters than normal.  (Wisdom boost +1)


 your character is good at coming up with stories, inventions, or solutions. (Intelligence boost +1)

 your character can retain information well and can provide information to questions or problems. (Intelligence boost +1)


 your character can sway the opinions of others more easily than normal. (Charisma boost +1)

 your character is a good liar and will succeed at getting away with it more frequently than normal.  (Charisma boost +1)


Every character starts with one advanced skill, and may get more over time or through rewards. As your statistics are boosted, your cat can unlock more powerful advanced skills! You may NOT change your character’s advanced skill after they have been accepted. Characters are permitted to add another Advanced skill ever 2 seasons (6 months) they are in Goldbloods, provided their stats allows it.

Listed below are the Advanced skills currently available in the group. Please pay attention to the number in parenthesis- this is the MINIMUM stat requirement a character MUST have to be able to acquire that skill!  For example, if your character's STRENGTH stat is 12, they can learn GRAPPLE or AMBUSH because those skills fall within the stat range- but they cannot learn TRAIN. They can have both GRAPPLE and AMBUSH when they have the chance for another advanced skill, if they wish.

Stat Total Advanced skills are advanced skills your character can acquire from being in the group! These skills’ stat requirement is very different from the traditional advanced skills: to acquire a Stat Total Advanced skill, you must look at the TOTAL SUM of your character’s entire statistics when added up. This includes the stat boosts! Your character’s first Advanced skill CANNOT be one of the Stat Total Advanced skills- it MUST be one of the traditional Advanced skills.

New Advanced skills must be applied to a character at least 3 days before an event, or will not be taken into consideration during said event.

 Characters may only have FOUR (4) advanced skills at once. 

You may pick any ONE of the advanced skills listed below for your character to start with, provided their stat category allows it.

Grapple (5): your character is good at paw-to-paw battle.
Ambush (10): your character is skilled at taking enemies and prey by surprise.
Train (15): your character is good at passing their strength and battle techniques on to others.
Resurge (20): when defeated, your character can find the strength to rise to their paws one more time with renewed (but temporary) energy.
Signature Move (25): your character is a seasoned fighter, and they carry a signature move to use in battle that can make or break a fight. Unfortunately, even the pros get tired from flexing their best.
Adrenaline Rush (30): often times your character finds themself filled with a fiery vigor in battle, their strikes and blows landing with beastily power. But the rush ends all too soon, and they need to rest before continuing.

Speed (5): your character is good at outrunning others or catching fast prey.
Disguise (10): your character is good at avoiding detection if hiding in one place, or using materials to hide their identity.
Grip (15): if falling or hanging, your character is better at getting/keeping their grip than others.
Tiptoe (20): when in precipitous situations, your character can keep their balance and manage very small, thin, or tight spaces that other characters cannot.
Contortionist (25): some wonder if your character even has bones- flexibility is so second nature to them they’re able to twist and dodge without even thinking about it.
Shadow Cloak (30): in dire situations, your character can disappear into their surroundings to make a quick and covert escape- even when injured.

Will (5): your character has a strong will and can endure beyond the limit of a normal cat.
Hardy (10): when faced with illness or contagion, your cat can avoid becoming sick longer than normal.
Perception (15): your character’s senses are sharp, and they can notice finer details than most.
Overcome (20): in dire situations, your character can survive where others will not, such as during natural disasters or terrible attacks. They are good at rising above harsh injuries, even if they are not invincible.
Golem (25): your character has mastered their defensive stance, and can dramatically minimize damage when they manage to react just in time.
Harmonize (30): your character is in tune with their allies, and can summon renewed strength from themselves and others with just a rallying song.

React (5): your character can instantaneously react to sudden developments.
Cooperation (10): your character is good at coming up with and following plans that depend on others for success.
Mimic (15): your character can find ways to mimic animal or nature sounds to entertain or disorient enemies/prey.
Deduce (20): your character can foresee potential problems or changes in logical reasoning or strategies that may be missed by others.
Bloodhound (25): your character’s senses are sharp and their nose is their forte. They’re able to sniff things out and follow trails others may have lost.
Know Thy Enemy (30): your character is well-versed in their knowledge on their foes and the world around them, and can spot weaknesses in battle or strategy with just a glance.

Bandaid (5): for minor injuries, your character can provide themselves or others medical attention without getting the help of a healer.
Educate (10): your character has a knack for stories, lessons and lore, and can pass these on to students.
Mend (15): your character can help others with serious injuries such as broken limbs and bad bleeds without getting the help of a healer.
Heal (20): your character has learned very advanced remedies to help with wounds, sickness and disease. Perhaps more importantly, your character can explore new and better ways to treat patients that may have been untreatable otherwise.
Insight (25): whether it be through body language or a slip of the tongue, your character is able to pick up on subtle details to perceive one’s true intentions, no matter how hard they try to hide it.
Forecaster (30): your character is one with the clouds, and is able to detect weather patterns and changes in pressure with ease and understanding. Sometimes it seems at times they can sense more than just the weather.

Entertain (5): your character is good at holding other’s attention, whether it be to bring laughter or distract on the battlefield.
Intimidate (10): your character is good at affecting others with aggression or threat.
Diplomacy (15): your character is good to have on your side in a debate or a political situation. They speak well and can help solve problems between two parties.
Regroup (20): during battle, when all seems lost, your character can reorient their fellows to recommit to their task or battle.
Linguist (25): your character is well-spoken in more than just cat-speak, and finds learning new languages a breeze. At times, they don't even need a voice to know what one is saying.
Silvertongue (30): your character is remarkably skilled with their words- they’re able to swindle the wisest elders, spin convincing tales, play politician, and make the impossible seem possible with their eloquence.

The stat requirement to acquire one of these skills is the TOTAL SUM of your character’s entire stats when added up.
Artisan Paws (60 total stats): your character’s paws are nimble and their mind is sharp, and crafting is one of their favorite hobbies! They can make very primitive traps and tools, and are proficient at reinforcing camp and den walls.
Game of Chance (75 total stats): your character is the lucky type! They often find themselves experiencing random bursts of luck- unfortunately, they can never tell whether it’s going to be good luck or bad luck.
Jack of all Trades (90 total stats): your character is incredibly well-rounded in their skills and abilities, although they haven’t quite reached mastery.


To help our more battle-hungry members understand exactly how their characters’ skills will be used in GM sequences, we’ve created an extensive sheet for them to refer to! Each and every skill is given an explanation of when it can be used, what sort of benefits it will apply, and how often they can be used!


This skill guide is NEW and comes with a revamp of the Goldbloods GM style! How the skills are used has been altered from what players have experienced before, some a bit more dramatically than others. However, with this revamp we hope to rebalance the game, and give each and every skill its own unique use and power!

â–º Click here to view the official Goldbloods Skill Guide! â—€

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